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Sir Clem Renouf

The major trophy for the Rotarian team with the best total stableford score for the tournament was named after Sir Clem Renouf who was the current President of Rotary International, an Australian, and thus making it a very appropriate choice.


This trophy was manufactured by ‘Flynns of Kyneton’ and the $1750 cash was jointly shared between the inaugural executive of the AGFR (John Hood, Kevin Beaumont & Don McRae), as the AGFR had no funds of its own at that time. The Trophy has recently been valued at in excess of $5000 but is priceless to the AGFR.


And so the Trophies for the Tournaments were then gradually presented by each State or individuals as follows:-


Victorian Trophy

Rotarian Team with the second best total stableford score, was presented and made by John Hood.


Royce Abbey Trophy – AGFR Champion with handicap

Rotarian with the best stableford score, was purchased with AGFR funds.


Western Australian Trophy – AGFR Champion without handicap

Rotarian with the best total stableford score without handicap, was presented by Peter Goodes.


South Australia Trophy – Division 1

Rotarian with best total stableford score, was presented by David Cleland.


Tasmania Trophy – Division 2

Rotarian with the best total stableford score, was presented by Harry Clark.


Glen Kinross Trophy - Senior AGFR Championship with Handicap

Rotarians aged 65 or over with the best stableford score, was presented by Alistair and Avil Ward.


Queensland Trophy – Division 1

Rotarian with the second best total stableford score, was presented by Ashley Harrison.


New South Wales Trophy – Division 2

Rotarian with the second best total stableford score, was presented by Bob Louis.


Northern Territory Trophy – Division 3

Rotarian with the best total stableford score, was presented by Wayne Nicholls.


Australian Capital Territory Trophy – Division 3

Rotarian with the second best total stableford score, was purchased with AGFR funds.


Following his term as Rotary International President, Clem Renouf was knighted and as we have had 3 Australians as Rotary International President it is fitting that we have an AGFR trophy named after each of them – Clem Renouf, Royce Abbey & Glen Kinross.


Since the 2007 Tournament the original trophies are now displayed in Bostock House (District 9630) in Queensland, as the trophies became to bulky and dangerous to be carried interstate on aeroplanes to the various tournaments – so today all trophy winners are presented with a medallion of the same named trophies.

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